What is it, how does it happen, how to prevent it, and what to do when it does happen. Phase Separation in Gasoline's containing Ethanol is now a major problem for nearly all users of gasoline. Whether you use gasoline as a fleet operator or for your family car, classic car, boat, personal water-craft, motorcycle, [...]
Cloud Point versus Cold Filter Plug Point
How ULSD has changed the way we determine cold weather operability of Diesel Fuel CFPP (Cold Filter Plug Point) vs. CP (Cloud Point) Cold Weather Operability in Diesel Fuels including ULSD Traditionally the two main considerations for diesel fuel have been Cloud Point (CP) and Cold Filter Plug Point (CFPP). Let?s start by defining the [...]
Latest Information on ULSD
Updated information on Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuels December 2007 The Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD or S-15) fuel story continues to unfold and there is not much good news to be told. ULSD is causing more and more problems in the field, with little explanation and no help from the major refiners. Burying our heads in [...]
New Rules for Off-Highway Fuels
Non-Road, Locomotive, and Marine Diesel Fuels (NRLM) Aka. Off-Road, Off-Highway Diesel Fuels The recent EPA mandated changes to Off-Highway or Off-Road Diesel have not been well reported to users of these fuels. The little information that is available is extremely confusing and often contradictory. Here we will try to provide some accurate and useful information [...]
New Automotive Diesels Boost Mileage Reduce Emissions
New Automotive Diesels Boost Mileage Reduce Emissions If you want a car that burns 20 percent to 30 percent less fuel than a standard gasoline engine with little sacrifice in performance, forget hybrid -- think diesel. Now before you write off diesel engines as the overpolluting, underperforming beasts of the 1970s, give the new generation [...]