Information on Urea that will be required for new diesel powered vehicles. Hold on, here comes the next big change in diesel engines. Starting with the automotive market in 2009 and then with virtually all of the medium and heavy duty markets in the 2010 model year, diesel engined vehicles will require an additional fluid [...]
Ford TSB 08-7-2 Root Cause Failure Analysis
Stop replacing the same parts over and over, Fuel is the Problem Root Cause Failure Analysis Diesel fuel has been identified by at least one OEM as a Root Cause of Engine Fuel System (pump and injector), EGR, EGR Cooler, Sensor, and Turbocharger failures. Ford Motor Company recently issued a new TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) [...]
NYS Diesel Retrofit Law
New NYS Law requires retrofit of particulate filters on all state, leased, and contracted diesel powered vehicles and equipment. Alert for New York State Customers regarding Retrofit of Emissions Devices on Diesel Engines New York State has in its infinite wisdom, created and passed into law legislation that requires retrofit of particulate traps, catalytic particulate [...]
Coolant Problems in 2007-2008 and newer Diesel Engines
Problems caused by extreme high heat loads in newer engines and issues with substandard coolants The 2007 and 2008 medium and heavy duty engines with the new emissions devices are creating new and potentially serious problems for cooling systems in general and coolants in particular. With cooling loads increased by as much as 30% over [...]
Cloud Point versus Cold Filter Plug Point
How ULSD has changed the way we determine cold weather operability of Diesel Fuel CFPP (Cold Filter Plug Point) vs. CP (Cloud Point) Cold Weather Operability in Diesel Fuels including ULSD Traditionally the two main considerations for diesel fuel have been Cloud Point (CP) and Cold Filter Plug Point (CFPP). Let?s start by defining the [...]
New Rules for Off-Highway Fuels
Non-Road, Locomotive, and Marine Diesel Fuels (NRLM) Aka. Off-Road, Off-Highway Diesel Fuels The recent EPA mandated changes to Off-Highway or Off-Road Diesel have not been well reported to users of these fuels. The little information that is available is extremely confusing and often contradictory. Here we will try to provide some accurate and useful information [...]
New Automotive Diesels Boost Mileage Reduce Emissions
New Automotive Diesels Boost Mileage Reduce Emissions If you want a car that burns 20 percent to 30 percent less fuel than a standard gasoline engine with little sacrifice in performance, forget hybrid -- think diesel. Now before you write off diesel engines as the overpolluting, underperforming beasts of the 1970s, give the new generation [...]
Oil Sludging Problems
Oil Sludging in Diesel and Gasoline Engines More and more OEM engine manufacturers both diesel and gasoline are seeing problems with oil sludge formation and subsequent problems from oil starvation to engine parts. Today engines are operating at much higher internal temperatures and oil is being asked to due more than ever before. There is [...]
Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Cold Weather Information
Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Cold Weather Information The Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD (S-15)) that we started to receive in mid 2006 has shown some dramatically different cold weather characteristics from the earlier High Sulfur (HSD (S-5000)) and Low Sulfur Fuels (LSD (S-500)). These new characteristics including higher temperature gelling, wax dropout, icing, and difficulty in [...]
Winter Problems with ULSD
Latest update on cold weather problems with ULSD Welcome to February 5th 2007, the first real winter weather with the "new" Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD). After being told by refiners and many distributors that ULSD would be the "be all, end all" magic problem solver for all diesel engines, this is what really happened when [...]